Where is Frontier Lodge located?
Frontier Lodge is located on the East Arm of Great Slave Lake – Tu Nedhé – in Canada’s Northwest Territories. The region we operate in has recently been established as Canada’s Newest National Park, Thaidene Nëné.
What is Thaidene Nëné?
Thaidene Nëné, which translates to Land of the Ancestors, is a protected area that spans 6.5 million acres (26,376 km2) at the transition between boreal forest and tundra. It includes the East Arm of Tu Nedhé (Great Slave Lake), the deepest freshwater source in North America, and provides habitat for grizzly bears, wolves, moose, and muskox, and the critical winter ground for the last herds of barren ground caribou.
Want to learn more? – Check out our Thaidene Nëné page here.
What kinds of Activities and Adventures are available at Frontier and in Thaidene Nëné?
While fishing has always been the most popular and well-known activity at Frontier, the East Arm of Great Slave Lake and Thaidene Nëné have so much more to offer visitors!
Hiking, wildlife tours, cultural programming, canoeing & northern lights viewing are only some of the amazing experiences you can have during your trip!
Keep an eye on our ADVENTURES page for new programming and activities coming in 2021!
What kinds of packages do you offer?
At Frontier we have 3 different packages ranging from 3 – 7 days.
3 Night Packages – Saturday to Tuesday
2 full days / 2 half days = $2,500.00 + 5% GST
4 Night Packages – Tuesday to Saturday
3 full days / 2 half days = $2900.00 + 5% GST
7 Night Packages – Tuesday to Tuesday or Saturday to Saturday
6 full days / 1 half day = $4,200.00 + 5% GST
For more information on inclusions and booking, check out our Packages section or give us a call @ 1 877 465 6843
What do I need to bring with me?
At Frontier, you’ll find most of the necessities are already available in your cabin, but depending on what you’re interested in doing, we’ve created a list of items you may want to bring along.
You can find a PDF of our Suggest Gear List here – Frontier Lodge WHAT TO BRING
Or, give us a call and we can discuss 1 877 465 6843.
What are the most common animals I can expect to see in Thaidene Nëné?
Believe it or not, in recent years Muskox have been the most widely viewed animal at Frontier Lodge. Our area is actually home to a number of large herds which means that almost every day guests come back to the dock with stories of Muskox – How cool is that?
Other animals you can encounter on your adventures will be Mink, Porcupine, Snowshoe Hare, Black Bear, and Moose – the first 3 being very popular visitors around the Lodge on a daily basis.
Large numbers of Bald Eagles, Golden Eagles, Osprey, Kestrels, Arctic Loons & Ptarmigan can also be found around the Lake, and most of the time from the comfort of our Lounge deck!
Check out our Wildlife Photo gallery to see what we’re talking about.
Are the Mosquitos bad?
At the Lodge and while on the Lake mosquitos are never really a problem.
Some evenings during the spring you may notice the odd one buzzing around while you’re relaxing on the decks but for the most part, they won’t bother you.
That being said, if you go walking through the deep bush, you will find a few. Genrally though, you’re not going to have any issues.
How many anglers per boat?
All trips are based on a 2:1 Guest to Guide ratio per boat. This is to ensure your comfort, safety and fishing success.